Cyber Relics

Where Ancient Memories Spark Modern Mischief
In a world where ancient ruins hold the secrets of a forgotten cyberpunk era, young orphan Elara (voiced by Eggnest Moorhen) discovers a relic that unlocks memories from a time of neon lights and digital dreams. Alongside her sarcastic caregiver, Aunt Miri (voiced by Morgan Free-roamin), and the enigmatic wanderer, Kade (voiced by Denzel Washingtomato), Elara must navigate a landscape where past and present collide. Directed by the quirky genius Brian De Palmadillo, 'Cyber Relics' is a whimsical animated adventure that proves even the oldest artifacts can reboot the future.

Critic Reviews

Ah, 'Cyber Relics,' where ancient ruins and modern mischief collide in a kaleidoscope of neon lights and tired tropes. Directed by Brian De Palmadillo, whose name alone should clue you in on the kind of whimsy you’re about to endure, this animated adventure tries desperately to be more than just a relic itself. Eggnest Moorhen, as the young orphan Elara, brings a certain charm, though it’s hard to tell if it’s her performance or just the script’s relentless attempt to make her endearing. Morgan Free-roamin’s Aunt Miri is as sarcastic as you'd expect and about as fresh as a rerun of a 90s sitcom, while Denzel Washingtomato’s enigmatic Kade is so enigmatic that you might forget he’s even there. The plot, a mishmash of cyberpunk nostalgia and kiddie escapades, feels like it was cobbled together from the detritus of better films. Sure, the animation is decent, and the PG rating makes it safe for the kiddos, but let’s be real—'Cyber Relics' is more like a digital fossil that should’ve stayed buried.
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